Word To Ponder: Impudent
Impudent means offensively bold or offensive, insolent or impertinent. A second meaning from the 1700s and earlier is immodest.
This word made me wonder why some people enjoy the blunt nature of an individual. Sure, some impudent people can be entertaining while saying what others keep to themselves. However, there is a danger in rewarding those who don’t exercise sensitivity and proper timing when speaking. Some of them can’t be helped and won’t care because all they’re doing is “being honest.” Again, it’s all about a time, place, and if it needs to be voiced.
There’s a reason all the best art in the world goes through phases before completion. Some art can be improvised, but even improvisation is a time-honed skill that a novice can’t pull off consistently, despite any beginner’s luck.
It’s a shame more people don’t look at what they say as artful expressions. I’ve been blunt. I’ve been reserved. I've been around plenty of examples of both, as we all have. There are many more times I’d love to take back what I said without thinking, whereas I’m proud of when I held back for better words or time.
The majority of impudence, fleeting or chronic, is a lack of reflection. Like anything worthwhile, reflection will not be easy at the outset. Not everybody will gift themselves any benefit of reflection in order to understand how they’re coming across. The tone of voice or delivery and body language is also something that must be exercised and reflected upon. Sometimes it’s just as or more important than what you say.
It saddens me when complacency stays with someone. Impudence has the non-reflective connotations which can impel a person to feel they’re not accepted for who they are. I would suggest the impudent person isn’t being rejected for who they are, but are rejected for not having a strong enough sense of themselves and manners overall.
Unhinged circumstances are only enjoyable in small doses for those who need to escape the realities of life. Not limiting impudence to small doses requires some digging in for a person who cannot, or refuses to, confront tough realities or situations.
I encourage you to confront yourself and be honest about your words and actions. Self-reflection will help remove your own impudence, thus strengthening your relationship with yourself and others. It won't be easy, but I promise it will be worth it.