Word To Ponder: Colonnade
A colonnade can be a row of columns supporting a roof. It can also be a row of trees or other tall objects. While I certainly love the natural beauty of rows of trees, I want to focus on columns that support a roof.
Structures large enough to necessitate supporting columns are impressive. Whether it’s a mansion or public venue, such magnificent architecture is met with awe. The amount and origin of awe depends on the person.
We all know people plagued with house intimdation while inside homes that have colonnades and other grand architecture. Others factor in how close or far away they are to buy or finance such a home.
No matter if it's a structure with colonnades, a luxury car, or private jet, I’ve always wondered why something expensive can make a person feel small. The ability to afford something should have nothing to do with having or lacking confidence.
Too many people are indebted to their insecurities of feeling poor or not making enough money. Living within realistic means should be something everyone strives for. Believe me, I’ve been there and enjoys nice things as much as anyone, but the limits of reality need to be instilled and adhered to.
The allure of making lots of money to over-compensate has been going on for hundreds of years. This world has seen millions of people sacrifice large parts of their honor and dignity for the sake of having more money and/or material goods. Current society shows us that this won’t change anytime soon; I would be happy to be proven wrong.
Money is only as good as what you do for it, with it, what it’s bringing into your life, and who you give it to. Be careful not to give ownership of what’s intended to be priceless: your integrity. What truly is most important in life to be happiest is quality relationships.
Don’t be intimidated by anything that costs a lot of money, including something so large it needs colonnades. Instead, be your own colonnade by focusing on what you need and who you care about, and who reciprocates it without judgment or material expectations.