Poetry Poetry

Left Hanging

Why ignorance?
Why wasted time?
How did I earn forgotten?

Anger is my closest ally, with
Zero tolerance of what you’ve perpetrated.

This coddling along of you is done.
You're clearly not on the level; I was wrong.
Projections of hope exposed my emptiness through craving
Mutual love and trust.

I...held myself accountable.
You said no big deal.

I, give; you take without consideration.
I, fully offer; you choose speed instead of careful thought.
You, tell me; then abandon.

My worth is not lost on me, nor is my vast potential.
Your abuse of both pushed my anger to halt you in motion.

My throat will be sore from processing this pain.
My mouth will be dry after
Expressing my disgust of you daring to
Squeeze the triggers I trusted you with.

The last you'll see of me is dusted footprints as I
Run away from your kind.

Closed mind with petty judgement equals
Your pathetic existence.
Enjoy eventual solitude; compromised and shallow company at best.

Your former elicited butterflies have corrected themselves to scarecrows.

My standards, realized once again.
These tears will dry, this sorrow will fade.
My feelings will renew and regain strength.

I’m not too much, as you accused...….you’re just not enough.

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Poetry Poetry


So tall, perfect and straight.
Equal inches, cement to brick.

Dare I touch it?
It’s too precious, don’t!
Too far away, can I approach?

The wind, says yes.

Ah, yes.
Been waiting for the chance.

On approach……just what I thought!
Just what I hoped, imagined.

Now, I’m here.
The sunlight’s illumination, too good; yet it’s true.

My first deep breath, met with a pebble upon exhaling.
My eyes meet my foot, then back to the wall.

A gap, in the binding cement.
Could it be?

Dare I act upon the earlier thought?
Curiosity needs indulgence, so I touch.

More pebbles, my touch creates.
The wall, revealed to be hollow of substandard inner material,
Covered invisible by the outer beauty’s facade.

My feet hurt, for they were bare to witness the beauty that was the wall.
I’m here as myself, no hollow image.

No halfway was met, now I’m alone with bloody feet.
Scars heal, and I will.
Once again.

These feet have walked into many walls,
Bled many times.
Their scars have scars, but haven’t breathed on my heart and resolve.

There is a wall to compliment mine; I still refuse socks and shoes to make
An easy arrival.

The pain teaches me direction, the scars teach clarity.

The right one will have a rope I didn’t ask for, just as I carry one
It won’t ask for, but will be ready
In its timely climb.

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Poetry Poetry

End Limited

Fresh, full.
Deep and pure.
Vast and endless.
Hollow yet optimistic.

Expanding, while grass gets further away.
Contracting while gathering all you get,
Then know how grass feels.

Perspire to attain, bleed to know, cry when shunned.
Intuit, forward and upwards.
Trim to need, dispel noise.
Fulfilling should always happen when achieving.

Grass needs tending.
Knowing which to prosper and which to brown
Needs auditing through roots and water.

You are the sun, shine always.
Your field will show your diligence.
Is it dense with value?
Or is it too big for what you’ve grown?

Means to be lived within are never long.
The best it can be is all, it can be done.
The more you learn, limits are realized, and the
True meaning of what you need comes through.

Your end is limited, but will live on through
Who sees you do the most
With the least.

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Poetry Poetry


Not by choice, survival is why.

No benefit of the doubt, need more currency

Than you can afford.

Need your debt as proof but I’ll still need more to

Begin to thaw.

Face value is a lost art, or at least my reciprocation expectation

Is lost on me.

Why should I, why you wanna?

My depth is far from shallow

Without a net.

This is your only warning.

Bring your heat

To balance my cold.

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